About Us


We are a group of property-owners who volunteer our labour and skills. We fall under the Nkomazi Municipality Conservation Department, and often work with the Nkomazi Rangers to achieve our goals. 


Our vision is to protect and conserve the natural environment and wildlife (fauna and flora) of Marloth Park for future generations, creating a sustainable ecosystem where people and wildlife can thrive together in harmony. We aim to be recognized as leaders in conservation, inspiring and engaging the community to act and join us in our efforts to safeguard the unique biodiversity of Marloth Park.


Conserving the fauna and flora of Marloth Park.

Our Core Values

  • Integrity:  doing the right thing no matter how difficult
  • Respect: for each other, fellow human beings, animals, and nature
  • Unity: of vision and purpose in the organization, leading to loyalty
  • Stewardship: leading and guiding the protection of locally indigenous flora and fauna
  • Passion: loving what we do and believing in its value to our community


                                                        Our current objectives (2023) are: 

  1. Provide an efficient Veld Management system in Marloth Park by July 2026.
  2. Educate and train all Honorary Rangers (HRs) and property /business owners in relevant conservation matters by 2026.
  3. To pursue and formulate strategic partnerships by 2026.
  4. Ensure effective administration, communication, and support to grow the organization and achieve long-term sustainability by 2026.


We are a helping and education organisation, as well as doing much practical work. Various teams of Honorary Rangers do these things:

    • Work with the Municipality and Nkomazi Rangers on aspects of Marloth Park conservation
    • Conduct site development inspections to help and ensure builders and new property owners comply with by-laws about conserving indigenous flora and eradication of alien plants
    • Conduct property inspections/visits at owners’ requests to help them identify invasive alien plants, and identify locally indigenous trees, bushes and flowers
    • Run a tree-tagging service
    • Run an ongoing programme to control the many alien invasive plants threatening to overwhelm indigenous vegetation
    • Conduct regular game counts to help the Municipality plan for managing game numbers
    • Assess the state of the veld, plan general veld rehabilitation and have an ongoing programme to rehabilitate trees, shrubs, grasses and indigenous forbs and wild flowers on parkland after years of overgrazing (for various reasons).
    • Educate/inform members and residents about locally indigenous flora and fauna, for example using social media, print publications, and activities such as Bird Walks
    • Educate/inform residents about Marloth Park’s special Conservation-related By-laws using talks and events, social media, print publications, and in-person visits
    • Help the municipality to note and take action on conservation by-law violations
    • Build and maintain facilities, such as picnic sites, bird hides and memorial benches, which enhance Marloth Park for residents and visitors
    • Write and publish resource materials for property owners such as a guide to alien plants, a locally indigenous tree and shrub list, conservation by-laws booklet, and bird list
    • Raise money for projects via appeals for stop orders and donations, and via activities such as talks, markets, and events 
    • Run an information stall at the monthly Henk van Rooyen Market. 


As the list above shows, HR needs volunteers with a range of skills, from management and admin through to physical labour. For example, we need people who can write, take photos, give or organise speakers for talks, manage social media, run a market stall, dream up fund-raising ideas, learn the trees and do tree tagging, identify plants, build, fix and maintain picnic sites etc, give ideas and opinions to do with conserving Marloth Park, and organise social events. 

To apply to join Honorary Rangers message us via Facebook  or on this number 060 675 7275 to start the process.  

*There is no membership fee, but you must be a Marloth Park property owner.

We support and assist the Nkomazi Municipality Conservation Department within Marloth Park with their management strategies and objectives while being
an effective volunteer group.

Today: The Marloth Park Honorary Rangers in it’s present form remains true to our vision. In addition, we believe it is imperative that we develop and maintain healthy relationships and partnerships with other local community service groups and individuals whose vision aligns with ours.

With an acceleration in development in the past few years, it has never been more important for Marloth property owners, residents and nature-lovers to show solidarity with one another, and even more importantly with the environment and her beloved wild inhabitants. The intricacies of nature are all connected and our actions have consequences – it is our hope that those  consequences will restore our veld for future generations of our animals and children alike.
